The Eat Well Spend Less Roadshow will be held in Kennington on February 29 from 10am to 2pm. &nbsp,

Come along to our Eat Well Spend Less roadshow on Thursday, February 29 from 10am to 2pm at St Mary’s Community Centre, Rylands Road, Kennington TN24 9LL if you need extra assistance as a result of the cost of living. &nbsp,

In one convenient location, the event brings together a number of partner organizations, including frontline NHS staff, Ashford Borough Council ( ABC ) officers, outreach organizations, and charities. &nbsp,

Simply pop along for all this and more:   It’s free to attend; just pop along for it!

Advice on shopping, cooking, and consuming wholesome meals&nbsp,

Information on where and how to find neighborhood food banks and other restaurants that provide free, pay as you go, or very reasonably priced meals in a social setting.

Pizza and chickpea burgers will be on the menu thanks to recipe bags that come with all ingredients and instructions. &nbsp,

Fare Share Kent Family Food Bank, which sells food items, including fresh fruits and vegetables, is available.

The Hygiene Bank will offer items for use in the hygienic industry.

Information and advice on safeguarding and safer streets, nbsp,

Welfare Intervention Officer: assistance and guidance with matters of financial/benefit support, ABC&nbsp,

Help and advice from the tenancy engagement officer, ABC&nbsp,

Help and advice from the Homeless Prevention Officer | ABC&nbsp,

NHS Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust with the bus: providing free health checks and MOTs. Information on the extensive offer at the One You Shop, Park Mall, Ashford&nbsp, as well as information on the entrance and pathways to One You services

Information on cancer screening, specifically breast, bowel, and cervical screening courtesy of Health Inequality Care Coordinator Mid Kent PCN,

Wellbeing Matters Plus and Social Prescribing and Young Carers – Imago&nbsp, offering and developing community-based opportunities for people aged 55 plus or adults with complex health needs, offer and develop community-based opportunities for people aged 55+ or adults with complex health needs

Connect Well Community Navigators ( SEK ) – information and advice&nbsp,

Sk8side – young people’s support and sports connect information about their extensive offer&nbsp,

We Are With You – mental health for young people – therapist&nbsp, Mind and Body at We Are With You,

Ashford Family Hubs – sharing their offer and services as well as kid-friendly activities at the event&nbsp,

South East Water – tips on reducing water usage and costs

Representatives from Porchlight are collecting information from young people about how to improve their mental health and information on other services offered by Porchlight&nbsp.

Fire safety visits to homes and Kent Fire & Rescue Services- save safely and,

Ashford Active Retirement Association ( AARA ) 

Breast cancer screening awareness and prevention team members, Project Officer Prevention Team, Project Uplift

Metro Kent Young People Sexual Health- information and advice&nbsp,

Food Friends – a volunteer program for sharing food in Ashford&nbsp,

Vinnies Diner and Lite Bites offer lunch and chat at the Bright City Church- Food Bank.

Information, advice, and how to attend CAP Life Skills – Willesborough Baptist Church

Hello Kent Lip Reading- sound advice for people who suffer from hearing loss, including hearing aids, lipreading, coping with tinnitus, television and other issues.

Department for Works and Pensions / Job Center- information and advice&nbsp,

Citizens Advice Project Officer: information and advice on the Perinatal Money, Mental Health Projects, and Kent Money Advice Hub Projects

Ashford Mediation Service: information and advice on this free service for residents of Ashford.

KOOTH- a mental health service offers information and guidance to young people aged 11 to 25, according to the BDS.

The UK government supports this project with the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. &nbsp,

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund provides £2.6 billion in funding for local investment by March 2025, which is the main thrust of the UK government’s Levelling Up strategy. The Fund aims to improve sense of place and improve chances for people and skills to live in the UK by investing in communities and places, as well as by supporting local businesses and people and skills. Visit www. for more details. gov. uk/government/publications/uk-shared-prosperity-fund-prospectus&nbsp,



Source: kenningtoncc.gov.uk


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