Sad news about Qara

We are afraid we have some sad news to announce. Last week, Qara, our female Pallas cat passed away.  She had arrived at the Sanctuary from Czechia in 2019 at the age of...

Buzzing about Beekeeping

I can’t help but smile when I catch sight of a bee. Bumblebees, Mason bees and Mining bees are just one small part of a big family but only one kind makes honey; the...

Beating the Heat this Summer

Summer’s here at Wingham Wildlife Park, and while we love the sunshine, keeping our animals cool is a top priority. You might be wondering how we ensure their comfort...



Corvid Conceptions

As Deputy Head of Birds, I often get asked what my favourite group of birds is to work with. There are always two answers. My brain says parrots, a very sensible choice. Intelligent, funny and a little bit naughty sometimes, they are everything that I look for in a bird. However, my...

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‘Just Beat It’ Support Group

8th July 2024 Find a ‘Just Beat It’ Walk We asked Cllr Murray to blog her thoughts and experience of walking with the group when we returned to one of ‘Just Beat It’s activity and wellbeing cafés at the local Village Institute. …”What better way to start the week than with a...

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Diet and Scales Training the Carnivores

Part of our job as a zookeeper is feeding the animals. This involves ensuring they get the right types of food but also the right amount. How much we feed them is...

Nordic Walking For Parkinsons

3rd July 2024 Parkinson’s and Nordic Walking in Medway A Better Medway are delighted to be working with Parkinson’s UK, British Nordic Walking and the local authority...

Beth’s Brilliant Bugs of the Bug Room: Part 2

A little while ago I introduced you to some of the coolest arachnids that live in the bug room. Today we are looking at some of the other brilliant bugs that also live...



Meet Bua, the Clouded Leopard

The Big Cat Sanctuary is thrilled to announce the arrival of Bua, a stunning clouded leopard. This...

Taliya’s Last Blog

On the 29th of May 2024, I went and visited Wingham Wildlife Park for the last time as a Junior...

Celia’s Last Blog

Hi, it’s Celia again and I’m here with my last blog for Wingham Wildlife Park! Instead of focusing...

Update on Big Cats in Crisis

Currently living in a temporary refuge but still in critical danger in Kyiv, Ukraine, the Sanctuary...

Welcome… To Our Mammals

Hi everyone! As this is my first blog as the new Head of Mammals, I thought it would be a great...