The Parish Office, Chartham Village Hall, Station Road, Chartham,
Canterbury, Kent, CT4 7HZ (01227 738110 / 07483 906001)


Chairman: Dr Tim Clark. Clerk: Mrs Chenice Howard-Sparkes




YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to attend a meeting of Chartham Parish Council to be held on TUESDAY 10 OCTOBER 2023 at 7.30 P.M at Chartham Village Hall, Station Road, Chartham, Canterbury, Kent, CT4 7HZ

Members of the press and public are invited to attend the meeting but are unable to speak unless invited to do so.

Under Appendix A of the Parish Council’s Standing Orders all Councillors and members of public should announce at the start of the meeting if they wish to record the meeting. A copy of the Standing Orders and Appendix A are available to view on the Parish Council’s website or the Clerk can provide a copy on request.

Mrs Chenice Howard-Sparkes

Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer

The Chairman will take questions from parishioners at the opening of the meeting. As per the Parish Council’s Standing Orders, speakers are limited to five minutes, subject to the total public participation not exceeding 20 minutes.

Please contact the Parish Clerk in advance of the meeting if you have any queries on any of the items listed.



Members of the Committee should declare any disclosable pecuniary interest or any other significant interests in any items/s on this agenda.

Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPIs) under the Localism Act 2011; the nature as well as the existence of any such interest must be declared.


To consider and approve as a correct record the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 12 September 2023.


The Clerk will report on the schedule of payments to be made following the meeting. A copy of which is attached at Appendix I.  



RECOMMENDATIONS: To authorise the schedule of payments attached at Appendix I and authorise any two Councillors to take all actions necessary to make such payments on behalf of the Council.

  • TO RECEIVE and CONSIDER any recommendations from Mazars LLP Ltd following the conclusion of the Annual Return for financial year 2022-2023

RECOMMENDATIONS: To consider recommendations from Mazars LLP Ltd and agree any actions necessary.

  1. MINUTES AND REPORTS Copies of the following minutes of meetings and update reports:
  • Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, held on
  • Finance Committee meeting held on 25 September 2023
  • Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group update (to follow)

RECOMMENDATION: To receive and note the minutes of meetings and update reports. 


  1. CLERK REPORT To receive and note the report from the Parish Clerk updating progress of ongoing projects (encompassing matters arising from the minutes and monthly action log update). (Appendix II)

RECOMMENDATION: To receive and note the reports received from:

  • City Councillors – Cllr Bland and Cllr Brady Joint Report (to follow)
  • County Councillors – Cllr Sole, Cllr Thomas (to follow)


  1. PLANNING MATTERS & TREE WORKS To consider and, if thought fit, approve, the recommendations from the Planning Committee in respect of each of the following applications:
  2. CA/23/01473 Location:Sunnyside Lodge, Steed’s Hop Garden, Howfield Lane, Canterbury, Chartham Hatch, CT4 7LZ – Proposal: Retrospective change of use of building to dwelling.
  1. GRANT FUNDING APPLICATIONS to consider and, if thought fit, approve the Finance Committee’s recommendations in respect of applications for a Parish Council grant as set out in Report CPC/XX/23.


RECOMMENDATION: To approve the recommendations as set out in Report CPC/XX/23, and authorise the Clerk to take all actions necessary in connection therewith.

  1. UNITY TRUST BANK CORPORATE MULTI-PAY CARD to consider and, if thought fit, approve the Finance Committee’s recommendations apply for a Corporate Multi-Pay Card/s, as set out in Report CPC/XX/23.


RECOMMENDATION: To approve the recommendations as set out in Report CPC/XX/23, and authorise the Clerk to take all actions necessary in connection therewith.



  1. VILLAGE HALL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE To appoint a representative to the Village Hall Management Committee

RECOMMENDATION: To appoint a representative to the Village Hall Management Committee and authorise the Clerk to take all actions necessary in connection therewith.


  1. ‘CLEAR DESK POLICY’ To consider adopting a ‘Clear Desk Policy’ for the office, as proposed by the Personnel Committee

RECOMMENDATION: To adopt a Clear Desk Policy for the office.

  1. USER POLICY To consider a draft User Policy for casual use and organized events on Parish Council owned/leased open space areas (Appendix VII)

RECOMMENDATION: To adopt a User Policy for casual use and organized events on Parish Council owned/leased open space areas and authorise the Clerk to take all actions necessary in connection therewith.

  1. TREE PLANTING To consider initial parish tree planting proposals from the Tree Working Group (Appendix VII) (to follow)

RECOMMENDATION: To agree initial parish tree planting proposals and authorise the Clerk to take all actions necessary in connection therewith.

  1. ALLOTMENTS To consider potential sites around the parish that may be suitable for allotments, as set out in Report/XX/23 (Appendix VIII)

RECOMMENDATION: To consider potential sites around the parish that may be suitable for allotments

  1. EXCLUSION OF MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC To exclude the public and press from the meeting for the following items of business by virtue of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
  2. ST AUGUSTINE’S LEASED AREAS To agree a course of action following the review meeting with CCC and legal advice received to date.

RECOMMENDATION: To agree a course of action and authorises the Clerk to take all actions necessary in connection therewith.

18.Cemetery: To consider allowing the two Cemetery Plots between Plot M, Row E No.16 and the path to be allocated to the family.

RECOMMENDATION: To agree a course of action, as our policy states no reserving specific plots.






Schedule of payments authorised at the Parish Council meeting on
Tuesday 10th October 2023

01 Curco – Memorial Field Public Toilets Supplies £136.90 JG/CM
02 Waste Management Systems Ltd – Delivery of 4no hippobags £146.95 JG/CM
03 Richard Marsh – Interment of Ashes on 16th September 2023 £70.00  
04 Guardian Security – Replacement 2no emergency lights in the Sports Pavilion £225.60  
05 L-J Cleaning Contractors – Window Cleaning St Augustine’s Sports Pavilion September 2023 £35.00  
06 L-J Cleaning Contractors – Window Cleaning Cemetery Chapel September 2023 £30.00  
07 Waste Management Systems Ltd – Collection of 1no hippobag £234.59  
08 KALC – Dynamic Councillor Course 05 October 2023

(Sue Farris)

09 Ros Watkins – Cleaning Cemetery Chapel and toilet in advance of funeral on 27th September 2023 (2.0 hours at £10.42 an hour) £20.84  
10 Satswana Ltd – Data Protection Officer Services (annual fee) £150.00  
11 KOMPAN – Quarterly Operational Play Area Inspections September 2023 £576.00  
12 Bourne to Garden – Grass cutting September 2023 £3888.00  
13 Whitehead Monckton – Professional fees in relation to employment contracts £1057.20  
14 Tim Clark – Reimbursement for paper cups for carol service event £13.99  
15 Robinsons Solicitors – Advice regarding liability on the Memorial Field £240.00  
16 Squires Planning Ltd – May23 – Sept 23 Inclusive £310.20  
17 Envisage Groundcare Ltd – Village hall Car Park £1218.00  
18 Tim Clark – Reimbursement for monthly Zoom subscription September -October 2023 £15.59  
19 Tim Clark – Reimbursement for Norton 360 Deluxe £159.99  
20 Richard Marsh – Litter bins services at cemetery September 2023 £320.00  
21 Biffa – Cemetery Waste Collection September 2023 £214.57  
22 Tim Clark – Reimbursement for Bulbs £65.34  
23 Dynamix – Payroll Services October 2023 £24.00  
24 October 2023 payroll for 3no employees, including employee and PAYE HMRC obligations. Confidential  





Source: chartham-pc.gov.uk


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