Recently Year 3 student Tayo Ahmadu visited her old school, St.George’s School in Gravesend as part of a careers fair. Tayo was at the school from Year 7-13 and spoke to students about her journey into medicine.

Tayo spoke to our Outreach Officer about her experiences:

“I enjoyed visiting my old school and experiencing what was different and what had stayed the same since the last time I was there as a student.

I instantly got flashbacks to my time there as a secondary school student, walking down the school halls in my uniform and having lessons in the classrooms. It was great seeing some of the teachers that taught me, especially one of my science teachers who always pushed me academically and encouraged me to pursue my dreams.

I picked History as one of my GCSE options in year 10 where I did a topic on ‘Medicine Through Time’. This topic opened my eyes to the world of medicine and public health, and convinced me that I could enjoy a career in the science field. At this point, the idea of becoming a doctor myself was not something that had ever crossed my mind due to the lack of exposure; however, I would say that it was the first step in the right direction that brought me to where I am today.

Advice I would give to students is dream big and chase your goals no matter what your environment or circumstances might be. Do your own research on what skills, work experience, and qualifications you need to get into medical school and pursue it if that’s what you really want to do. You may take longer to get where you are going like I did, but getting there later is better than never getting there at all. The sky is the limit! You can do anything you put your mind to.”

Thank you to Tayo for attending the fair with our outreach officer, and the school were so impressed she is now going to be added to their school hall of fame!


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