The Parish Office, Village Hall, Station Road, Chartham, Canterbury, Kent, CT4 7HZ
Telephone 01227 738110 or 07483 906001. Email: clerk@chartham-pc.gov.uk
Website: https://chartham-pc.gov.uk

Clerk – tba

A Meeting of the Planning Committee will be held on Tuesday 07 May 2024 at 18:30hrs at Chartham Village Hall, Station Road, Chartham, Canterbury, Kent, CT4 7HZ

Members of the public are invited to attend a meeting of the Planning Committee to discuss the planning applications outlined on the agenda. As per the Parish Council’s Standing Orders, residents have five minutes to speak should anybody wish to convey their opinion to councillors. This is to ensure that everybody has the opportunity to speak, and business can be conducted in a timely manner.


  1. Chairman’s Opening Remarks and Apologies for Absence.
  2. TO APPROVE notes of previous Planning Committee meeting.
  3. TO NOTE recent Planning Decisions:

CA/24/00185 Ford Invicta Motors, Ashford Road – Signage (Granted)

CA/24/00383 April Cottage, Primrose Hill – Felling & restocking of trees (No objection)

  1. TO CONSIDER Planning Applications & Works to Trees

NB Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests &/or Other Significant Interests.

Dates below refer to end of consultation period.

CA/24/00238 Nickle Farm House, Nickle Lane, Chartham CT4 7PE – Extension to existing detached garage and construction of room over. (19 Apr 2024. Determination date delayed to 14 May 2024.)

CA/24/00292  7 Shalmsford Farmhouse, Shalmsford Street, Chartham CT4 7RZ – Application for Listed Building Consent for minor repairs to joinery, wall and ceiling plaster, flooring, roof coverings and decorations to address damage caused by a house fire event. (10 May 2024*)

*  Query with Determination date listed as 12 Apr 2024

CA/24/0049411 Old School Mews, Chartham CT4 7JD – To prune and re-balance Cherry tree crown at the front of the property by a maximum of 20% in height and 10 % in lateral spread (in a Conservation Area) (End of consultation date tbc)

  1. TO NOTE any Enforcement matters arising since the last meeting
  2. TO CONSIDER Chartham Parish Council response to Canterbury City Council’s new Local Plan 2040.
  3. Closure

Source: chartham-pc.gov.uk


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