1 – Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence.

Relevant Legislation: Local Government Act 1972, s 85.

2 – Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests

To receive disclosure of any pecuniary interests relating to meeting agenda items.

Having declared an interest, a member must not participate in discussion on the matter and must not take part in any vote unless an appropriate dispensation has been granted.

Relevant Legislation: Localism Act 2011, s 31.

3 – Public Participation

The council meets and makes its decisions in public. A council meeting is not a public meeting. It is a meeting held in public and there is no requirement in law which allows members of the public to speak at such meetings.

However, the council is is keen to encourage public attendance at meetings and will therefore provide an opportunity to local registered electors to show it is committed to community engagement.

A maximum of 3 minutes is allowed per person to speak and the total length of time afforded for public participation at each meeting shall be no more than 15 minutes, subject to an extension of this time, in exceptional circumstances, being agreed by the Chairman.

Relevant Legislation: Local Government Act, s 100.

4 – Lads of the Village Nomination as Community Asset

For Information

To receive a verbal update on the nomination of the Lads of the Village Public House as a Community Asset.

5 – London Road Lorry Parking

For Information

6 – Stone Recreation Ground Masterplan

6.1 – Masterplan Funding Agreement

For Information

To note the terms and conditions of the Masterplan Funding Agreement between Stone Parish Council and Dartford Borough Council.

Member should note that any dates given in the document are subject to final mutual agreement.

6.2 – Planning Application

For Information

To note the current status of the planning application for the Stone Recreation Ground Masterplan.

7 – Community Service Award

For Decision

To resolve award for recognition of exceptional public service to Bridget Sparks, Asda Community Champion following nomination by the Vice-Chair. Bridget has been nominated following her recent retirement, for her contribution to community events and the monthly Seniors of Stone mornings.

Since 2015, the council has had a Recognition Policy to recognise exceptional or longstanding service to the community. Since 2015, awards have been made to former councillors and employees, community volunteers, and employees of local business.

The policy dictates that a monetary figure of £50 is applied for the purchase of an appropriate award gift, with nominations requiring resolution by the full council. It is proposed that the following is purchased and presented to Bridget at the next full council meeting on Wednesday 13th March, subject to her availability: Dartington Crystal Bloom Cosmos Vase, H21cm, Clear (johnlewis.com)

8 – Planning Applications

For Decision

5 min

To resolve observations to Major Planning Applications affecting the Parish

Relevant legislation: Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

24/00068/VCON – Hangloose Adventure Bluewater Parkway
Site clearance, building operations and other operational works to the existing cliffs to enable the erection of an adventure centre comprising a reception building, aerial trekking course, 360 vertigo swings, skydiving machine, zip wire, zip wire start tower and landing platform, ‘giant swing’, adventure platform and external rock climbing wall, with associated hard and soft landscaping (Variation of condition 2 on Ref 22/00827/VCON (approved plans) and condition 6 (opening hours)).

9 – Exclusion of Press & Public

For Decision

Pursuant to section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, that because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and the press leave the meeting during the consideration of the following item.

10 – Confidential – Masterplan Tender Award

For Decision

To resolve award of tender for the Phase 1 construction works relating to the Stone Recreation Ground Masterplan improvements

Source: stoneparishcouncil.com


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