1 – Apologies for Absence

19:00, 1 min

To receive apologies for absence.

Relevant Legislation: Local Government Act 1972, s 85.

2 – Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests

19:01, 1 min

To receive disclosure of any pecuniary interests relating to meeting agenda items.

Having declared an interest, a member must not participate in discussion on the matter and must not take part in any vote unless an appropriate dispensation has been granted.

Relevant Legislation: Localism Act 2011, s 31.

3 – Public Participation

19:02, 15 min

The council meets and makes its decisions in public. A council meeting is not a public meeting. It is a meeting held in public and there is no requirement in law which allows members of the public to speak at such meetings.

However, the council is is keen to encourage public attendance at meetings and will therefore provide an opportunity to local registered electors to show it is committed to community engagement.

A maximum of 3 minutes is allowed per person to speak and the total length of time afforded for public participation at each meeting shall be no more than 15 minutes, subject to an extension of this time, in exceptional circumstances, being agreed by the Chairman.

Relevant Legislation: Local Government Act, s 100.

4 – Approval of Minutes

19:17, 5 min

To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday 24 January ​2024 and the Extraordinary Meeting of the Council held Wednesday 21 February 2024.

Relevant Legislation: Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, para 41 (1).

5 – Presentation of Award for Exceptional Public Service

19:22, 10 min

To present the Award for Exceptional Public Service to Bridget Sparks for her work at Community Events and groups as Asda Community Champion.

6 – Reports from outside organisations

For Information

19:32, 10 min

1. Kent Police
Stone House Crime Map

Stone Castle Crime Map
2. Kent County Council

3. Dartford Borough Council

7 – Lads of the Village

For Information

19:42, 5 min

To note the outcome of the submission of The Lads of the Village Public House as a Community Asset.

8 – Review of Internal Controls

For Decision

19:47, 10 min

The Council is responsible for ensuring that its business is conducted in accordance with the law and proper standards, that public money is safeguarded and properly accounted for, used economically, efficiently and effectively. The Council is also responsible for ensuring that there is a sound system of internal control which facilitates the effective exercise of the Council’s functions and which includes arrangements for the management of risk and that this is reviewed at least annually. 


The Accounts & Audit (England) Regulations 2015 aim to strengthen governance and accountability through requirements related to internal control and internal audit. 


Regulation 3 states: “A relevant authority must ensure that it has a sound system of internal control which— 

(a) facilitates the effective exercise of its functions and the achievement of its aims and objectives; 

(b) ensures that the financial and operational management of the authority is effective; and 

(c) includes effective arrangements for the management of risk. 


Regulation 6 of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 requires the Council to conduct each financial year a review of the effectiveness of the system of internal control. 

The system of internal controls was inspected by the Responsible Finance Officer during February and March and is now presented for council review. The council is requested to review the scope of internal controls contained on the Risk Register and resolve approval of the system.  

9 – Stone Recreation Ground Masterplan

For Information

19:57, 5 min

1. To note the final Funding Agreement with Dartford Borough Council for the Stone Recreation Ground Masterplan.

2. To note the approval of Planning Permission for the Stone Recreation Ground Masterplan.

10 – Clerk’s Report

For Information

20:02, 10 min

​To ​note an update on Council services and news by the Parish Clerk.

Source: stoneparishcouncil.com


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