1 – Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence.

Relevant Legislation: Local Government Act 1972, s 85.

2 – Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests

To receive disclosure of any pecuniary interests relating to meeting agenda items.

Having declared an interest, a member must not participate in discussion on the matter and must not take part in any vote unless an appropriate dispensation has been granted.

Relevant Legislation: Localism Act 2011, s 31.

3 – Public Participation

The council meets and makes its decisions in public. A council meeting is not a public meeting. It is a meeting held in public and there is no requirement in law which allows members of the public to speak at such meetings.

However, the council is is keen to encourage public attendance at meetings and will therefore provide an opportunity to local registered electors to show it is committed to community engagement.

A maximum of 3 minutes is allowed per person to speak and the total length of time afforded for public participation at each meeting shall be no more than 15 minutes, subject to an extension of this time, in exceptional circumstances, being agreed by the Chairman.

Relevant Legislation: Local Government Act, s 100.

4 – Approval of Minutes

To approve the minutes of the meeting of the council held on Wednesday 22 November 2023.opens PDF file

Relevant Legislation: Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, para 41 (1).

5 – Reports from outside organisations

  1. Kent Police2. Kent County Council3. Dartford Borough Council

6 – Dispensation

To resolve dispensation for Councillor Burrell for non-attendance at meetings.

Under the Local Government Act 1972 Section 85 (1), councillors who do not
attend a meeting of the Council during a six month period will cease to be a
member of the Council unless the Council has approved a dispensation before
the expiry of that period.

It is recommended members resolve dispensation for Cllr J Burrell who, for reason of ill-health, is unlikely to be able to attend a meeting of the Council prior to end of this six month period.

7 – Notice of Extraordinary Meeting

To resolve addition of Extraordinary Council Meeting on 21 February 2024 prior to the scheduled People & Performance Committee Meeting.

It will be necessary to call an Extraordinary Meeting of the Council to resolve award of the tender for the Stone Recreation Ground Masterplan. It is proposed that this meeting be on Wednesday 21 February 2024 at 7pm and the People & Performance Committee meeting take place following this.

Members are requested to resolve the addition of this meeting to the Calendar of Meetings.

8 – Lads of the Village

To receive a verbal update on the closure of the Lads of the Village Public House and Community Asset submission.

9 – Kirby Road Allotments

To note and discuss the Kirby Road Allotments.

View the Allotments Reportopens PDF file

View SPC Tenancy Agreementopens PDF file

10 – Council Budget 2024-25

To Consider and resolve the Council Budget for 2024-25

Members are requested to resolve the annual precept request for 2024-25

The budget proposes a precept sum of sum of £504,844.

The council tax base for 2023-24 is confirmed as 4297.61 . The Council Tax Support Grant is confirmed at £7,021, unchanged from 2023-24.

Taking into account the respective sums, the proposed budget maintains an annual charge of £117.47 for a Band D property, representing an increase of £6.48  to Parish Residents.

>View the Report for the Proposed Budget 2024-25opens PDF file

>View Appendix A – Draft Budget Summaryopens PDF file

11 – Exclusion of Press & Public

Pursuant to section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, that because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and the press leave the meeting during the consideration of the following items.

12 – Stone Recreation Ground Masterplan

To receive an update regarding the conclusion of the advertisement of tender for the Stone Recreation Ground Masterplan.

Source: stoneparishcouncil.com


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