1. Apologies for Absence

There were no excuses for absence.

2- Disclosure of Financial Interests

There were no financial disclosures regarding meeting agenda items that were submitted.

3- Participation in public

One public official who was present wanted to speak about item 9—Planting applications and the medical center’s re-consultation at Steele Avenue. Members consented to give the man time to address that matter.

4- Minutes for Approval

The Council’s Minutes from its meeting on September 27, 2023, were approved.

5- Reports from outside agencies and organizations

  1. Council of Kent County

In a written report to the meeting, Councillor Penny Cole informed the attendees of the KCC’s plan to put the Council back on solid financial footing, with four goals in mind:

  1. restoring balance to the 23/24 budget
  2. Deliver the savings to establish a long-term 24/25 budget.
  3. Choices of policies and the Council’s goals
  4. Changing the Council’s operating model even more

Members were also informed by Councillor Cole of the work KCC had done on the Plan Bee initiative and Kent’s Plan Tree tree planting.

The county councillor’s report was to be noted by the members.

2. Borough Council of Dartford

Councilor Cutler discussed upcoming celebrations and praised the recent Christmas light switch’s success.

6- Parking for London Road Lorries

The minutes of the most recent Round Table discussion on Lorry Parking on London Road were given to members.

Members decided to take notes on the conversation’s specifics while they waited to schedule the suggested stroll along London Road.

Lads of the Village, number seven

An update regarding the Lads of the Village Public House’s nomination as a Community Asset was given to members. In accordance with the law, an initial application was submitted to the Borough Council in &nbsp. However, more than four months have passed since the initial submission. The process is required to be finished within eight weeks. Midway through August, there was a request for more information, which took some time to gather and re-submit. However, the matter has not yet been resolved, and this week was the first to request more details. There is disagreement over the information sought, which is believed to be in violation of the law.

The update on the application to nominate the Lads of the Village as a community asset was noted by the members.

8- Masterplan for Stone Recreation Ground

Members were informed about the andnbsp, the Stone Recreation Ground Masterplan planning application, and the Tender Pack’s advertisement for the cafe, landscaping, or parking garage.

There have been a number of stakeholder responses to the application for the café, landscaping, and parking lot. The proposed parking spaces and access paths were raised by KCC Highways as being too large, but after meeting with the design team, all of these issues have now been resolved. Currently, the anticipated timeframe is two weeks, but if the remaining consultees respond earlier, this could happen sooner. According to Financial Regulations, the tender pack will be made public on the council website and the government’s Contract Finder portal.

Then, construction is anticipated to start in the spring, which could affect reservations at the Stone Pavilion as well as the café. When the contractors provide a schedule of works, we will be able to confirm what we have asked for in terms of downtime if any of the cafés.

Members decided to approve the outlined advertisement for the tender pack.

9- Applications for Planning

Re-consultation: &nbsp, 23/00145/FUL– Car Park Steele Avenue Greenhithe Kent
construction of a medical facility with underground parking, landscaping, and other related projects.

Members were asked to resolve objections to the proposed Steele Avenue medical center’s re-consultation.

A public official spoke on the subject, objecting to the application and its inability to meaningfully address the Council’s earlier objections.

Members expressed gratitude to the general public for their contribution.

Members believed that the earlier objection from the Parish Council was still valid and that only minor changes had been made to the application.

Members decided to object to the application being resubmitted.

Members decided that the clerk should come up with a response to the objection confirming the council’s desire to continue to oppose the application, with the following objections enhancing rather than replacing the current original representation:

  • persistently significant disagreement with the neighborhood plan, acknowledged by the


  • The changes ‘ inability to acknowledge and respect the green buffer function,
  • The poorly conceived and inadequate design response to the proposed bulk


  • The Horns Cross site’s accessibility, including its capacity to support the scale

of building required through efficient local engagement and excellent design.

10- Finance

Budget Monitoring Report, October 31, 2023, section 10.1

A Budget Monitoring Report for the fiscal year ending on October 31, 2023, was given to the members.

Members decided to take note of the RFO’s report after thanking her for it.

AGAR 2022- 2023 10.2

Members were given the audited AGAR for 2022–2023 and asked to take the external audit report’s findings into account.

On yet another successful external audit, members congratulated the Responsible Finance Officer.

10.3- Applications for Community Grants

Members were asked to take into account the submitted Community Grant Applications ‘ resolution.

The Citizens Advice Bureau submitted a grant application. Concerns about the funding’s intended use and the provision of benefits to Stone Parish residents were voiced by members. Members believed it would be more fruitful to engage in discussions with the CAB and suggest that they use Stone Pavilion to deliver directly to residents.

Members decided to continue their discussion with the Citizens Advice Bureau about providing services from Stone Pavilion rather than awarding Grant Funding on this particular occasion.

10.4- Pay Award &amp, Increased Living Wage

Members were asked to take note of the NJC Pay award resolution, which became effective on April 1st, 2023, and the Living Wage rate’s increase to £12 per hour, effective November 1.

Members decided to take note of the pay award resolution as stated.

Exclusion of Press &amp, Public

According to section 1( 2 ) of the Public Bodies ( Admission to Meetings ) Act of 1960, it was decided that the public and the press should leave the meeting while the following item is being discussed.

Stone St. Mary’s Preschool, age 12

An update on Stone St. Mary’s Preschool was given to the members.

Members decided to postpone the quarter three rent payment after discussing the current issues with the preschool.

Source: stoneparishcouncil.com


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