1 – Apologies for Absence 

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr P Harman and Cllr J Burrell

Relevant Legislation: Local Government Act 1972, s 85.  


2 – Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests 

There were no disclosures of pecuniary interests.

Relevant Legislation: Localism Act 2011, s 31.  


3 – Public Participation 

One member of the public was present and requested to speak on the London Road Lorry Parking item.

Relevant Legislation: Local Government Act, s 100.  


4 – Lads of the Village Nomination as Community Asset 

The submission of the Lads of the Village public house was sent to Dartford Borough Council on Wednesday 10th January. Apart from confirmation on 25th January that it had been received, the Parish Council has received no confirmation or updates on the submission. Serving members agreed to chase this up again with officers at Dartford Borough Council to ensure a response was received as Wednesday 7 March would mark the end of the statutory eight-week timeframe. 

Members resolved to note the update. 


5 – London Road Lorry Parking 

A member of the public present asked what progress had been made on the issue of the lorry parking on London Road. After the round-table meeting on the subject in January, Councillors have been trying to arrange a walkthrough of London Road with representatives of KCC and Highways to establish critical points for potential yellow lines/restrictions.

The Clerk has also been in contact with officers at DBC who are working on the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) which includes a concept design for improvements to London Road. As part of this work, a parking beat survey has recently been carried out that looked at the demand for parking at various times of the day, which could help to inform potential measures to improve the lorry parking situation.

The Clerk confirmed that the design concept, if implemented, was likely to resolve parking of large lorries due to an amended width of the highway, which would reduce this ability. However, the scheme is a significant infrastructure improvement which will be expensive to deliver.

Although the council and associate colleagues should push for support for this to be funded, any wait to achieve funding will mean continued issues in the meantime. Members felt that this work could coincide with any short-term suggestions the walkthrough identifies and felt it would be beneficial to invite officers working on the LCWIP to attend the walkthrough. 

Councillor Cole had an imminent scheduled meeting with relevant Highways officers so members identified two prospective dates for the walkthrough so she could invite KCC officers to attend. 

Members resolved to note the update on the London Road Lorry Parking and suggested Wednesday 20th March or Thursday 21st March for the walkthrough of London Road. 


6 – Stone Recreation Ground Masterplan 


6.1 – Masterplan Funding Agreement 

Members were requested to note the terms and conditions of the draft Masterplan Funding Agreement between Stone Parish Council and Dartford Borough Council.

Member were advised that any dates given in the document are subject to final mutual agreement and that several clauses were still under negotiation. The Responsible Finance Officer gave clarification regarding how funds were to be reimbursed and invoices paid. A final draft would be presented at the next meeting. 

Members resolved to note the terms and conditions of the Masterplan Funding Agreement between Stone Parish Council and Dartford Borough Council. 


6.2 – Planning Application 

To note the current status of the planning application for the Stone Recreation Ground Masterplan.  

Members were informed that the planning application is expected to be resolved by the end of February at the latest. 

Members resolved to note the update regarding the planning application for Stone Recreation Ground Masterplan. 


7 – Community Service Award 

To resolve award for recognition of exceptional public service to Bridget Sparks, Asda Community Champion following nomination by the Vice-Chair. Bridget has been nominated following her recent retirement, for her contribution to community events and the monthly Seniors of Stone mornings. 

Since 2015, the council has had a Recognition Policy to recognise exceptional or longstanding service to the community. Since 2015, awards have been made to former councillors and employees, community volunteers, and employees of local businesses. 

Members discussed the exceptional work done by Bridget at Council and community events for many years. 

Members resolved unanimously to present Bridget Sparks with a Parish Council Award for Recognition of Exceptional Public Service. 


8 – Planning Applications 

To resolve observations to Major Planning Applications affecting the Parish

Relevant legislation: Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

24/00068/VCON – Hangloose Adventure Bluewater Parkway
Site clearance, building operations and other operational works to the existing cliffs to enable the erection of an adventure centre comprising a reception building, aerial trekking course, 360 vertigo swings, skydiving machine, zip wire, zip wire start tower and landing platform, ‘giant swing’, adventure platform and external rock climbing wall, with associated hard and soft landscaping (Variation of condition 2 on Ref 22/00827/VCON (approved plans) and condition 6 (opening hours)).                                                                                                                          

Members discussed the application and commented on the potential impact to the environment at Bluewater. Members agreed that providing an environmental impact assessment was completed and showed no negative impact, there were no material considerations that should warrant an objection at this stage. 

Members resolved to raise no objection to the planning application 24/00068/VCON 


9 – Exclusion of Press & Public 

Pursuant to section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, that because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and the press were asked to leave the meeting during the consideration of the following item.  

10 – Confidential – Masterplan Tender Award 

To resolve award of tender for the Phase 1 construction works relating to the Stone Recreation Ground Masterplan improvements.  

Members were presented with the final report of the QS, which provided a full analysis of tender submissions received and the subsequent scoring following review and contractor interviews.  

One member enquired regarding the health and safety performance of the contractors. The Clerk confirmed she would request further information regarding this. 


Members resolved to award the tender for the Phase 1 construction works relating to the Stone Recreation Ground Masterplan improvements to GPS Projects Ltd. 

There being no further business, the Chairperson closed the meeting at 20:00. 

Source: stoneparishcouncil.com


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