Having listened to the concerns of our residents, Whitfield Parish Council’s Parish Clerk and Chairman, along with our Kent County Council Member, Councillor David Beaney, recently met with Officers from Kent County Council Road Safety and Active Travel Group (Highways Transportation and Waste) to discuss some of the priority areas identified by the Whitfield Parish Council Highways Improvement Plan (HIP).

One of the main priorities identified by the HIP is the speed limit along the Northern end of Sandwich Road.  The Parish Council has, for some considerable period of time, been asking for the existing 40mph speed limit from Lynwood to the Napchester Road junction, to be reduced to 30mph.  Following a very positive meeting, the Parish Council are pleased to report that, pending informal consultation with those immediately affected by the proposal and the detail and discussions that will follow, KCC have agreed that this change may go ahead, subject to the normal Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) process being successfully completed.  The existing 40mph speed limit will become a continuation of the 30mph speed limit, which is in effect for the rest of Sandwich Road, toward the Whitfield roundabout.  The speed limit going out of the village towards the A256, from the current end of the 40mph limit will remain at National Speed limit.  The Parish Council will continue its campaign to apply the 30mph further along the Sandwich Road, towards the A256, as the expansion of Whitfield continues in the area.

Due to KCC’s budgetary constraints, the costs of these road safety improvements will be funded by Whitfield Parish Council.

Another priority area, identified by residents and included on the HIP, is Archers Court Road.  This road is already at a 30mph speed limit, but the Parish Council and residents remain concerned that Speed continues to be an issue here.  Subject to discussion and detail, it is suggested that 30mph roundel signs will be painted in the road at the new school end of Archers Court Road.  Archers Court Road will also remain as a priority on the HIP, with future consideration of other traffic calming measures to follow.

Residents have also raised concerns in the past about HGV’s using the lanes around West Whitfield.  The Parish Council has gained agreement from KCC that ‘Unsuitable for HGV’s’ signage will be placed at the Nursery Lane junction with Sandwich Road.  The Parish Council will also continue to press for signage at the A2 end of Nursery Lane / Singledge Lane, however, this will require the agreement of Highways England, due to the proximity of the A2.

There are other items included on the Whitfield Parish Council HIP.  Those items will continue to be reviewed and updated on a continual basis.

Source: whitfieldparishcouncil.org


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