GDPR Policy

Smatch International Limited GDPR Data Processing Policy
Lawfulness, Fairness, And Transparency

1.1 Legal Basis for Data Processing

Smatch International Limited (hereafter referred to as “Smatch”) is committed to processing personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We will process personal data only when there is a lawful basis for doing so. This includes obtaining the explicit consent of users when required, fulfilling contractual obligations, complying with legal obligations, protecting vital interests, performing tasks carried out in the public interest or the exercise of official authority, and pursuing legitimate interests, ensuring that the rights and freedoms of data subjects are not overridden.

1.2 Transparency

Smatch will provide clear and concise information to users about the processing of their personal data. This includes informing users about the purpose of data processing, the types of data collected, the retention period, and their rights as data subjects. Users will be kept informed through our Privacy Policy and consent requests when applicable.

2. Purpose Limitation

2.1 Purpose Specification

Smatch will collect and process personal data for specified and legitimate purposes. Data will only be used for the purposes for which it was originally collected unless consent is obtained for other purposes, or unless required or permitted by law.

3. Data Minimisation

3.1 Data Collection

Smatch will collect only the personal data that is strictly necessary for the purposes for which it is being processed. Unnecessary data will not be collected, and data collection will be limited to what is relevant to achieve the specified purposes.

4. Accuracy

4.1 Data Accuracy

Smatch will take reasonable steps to ensure that personal data is accurate and up to date. Users have the right to request corrections to their data, and Smatch will promptly address such requests.

5. Storage Limitations

5.1 Data Retention

Smatch will retain personal data only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, or as required by applicable law. Once data is no longer needed, it will be securely deleted or anonymised to ensure it cannot be linked to an individual.

Integrity and Confidentiality

6.1 Data Security

Smatch will implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Data will be processed securely, and access will be restricted to authorized personnel only.

7. Accountability

7.1 Data Protection Officer

Smatch will appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO) responsible for ensuring compliance with GDPR requirements. The DPO will oversee data protection activities, conduct assessments, and serve as a point of contact for data subjects and regulatory authorities.

7.2 Data Subject Rights

Smatch will respect and facilitate the exercise of data subject rights, including the right to access, rectify, erase, or object to the processing of personal data. Data subjects can contact Smatch at info@smatch.world to exercise their rights or seek clarifications regarding their data.

7.3 Data Breach Notification

In the event of a data breach that poses a risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals, Smatch will promptly notify the relevant supervisory authority and affected data subjects, as required by GDPR.

7.4 Regular Audits and Assessments

Smatch will conduct regular assessments and audits of its data processing activities to ensure ongoing compliance with GDPR. This includes reviewing data protection policies, procedures, and controls.

This GDPR Data Processing Policy outlines Smatch’s commitment to ensuring the lawful, fair, and transparent processing of personal data while upholding data subject rights and data protection principles. Smatch is dedicated to protecting user privacy and complying with the GDPR’s requirements in all its operations.

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