Sustainable healthcare has an important role to play in mitigating the environmental impacts of the medical industry and promoting a healthier planet. The health sector contributes around 4-5% of total UK carbon emissions and more support is needed to help the NHS reach net zero. Embracing environmentally sustainable healthcare has never been more important

This approach to healthcare believes environmental sustainability and the delivery of quality care are intrinsically linked. It works towards a system that meets the health needs of the present without compromising the health of future generations using four main principles that encourage cost savings and efficient resource consumption.

Four Principles of Environmentally Sustainable Healthcare


Tackling the root causes of climate change and disease is the best way to work towards reducing emissions and preventing illness.

Greener NHS is integral to developing strategies that keep people healthier for as long as possible while empowering them to take an active role in their health and well-being.

Primary prevention like this also involves working with local communities to help tackle environmental concerns such as air pollution, greener travel and producing sustainable, healthy food.

Empowering Patients

While sustainable healthcare is undeniably climate and environment-focused, an emphasis is placed on patient-centred approaches that empower those seeking healthcare. This is achieved by educating patients on how they can take a better role in managing their own and healthcare.

It’s all about innovating with patients, rather than for them. This can be achieved through patient partnerships, educational cooperatives and community initiatives. In any case, collaboration between patients and healthcare is essential.

Sustainable Pathways

Simplifying access routes to healthcare and resource-intensive treatments is key to reducing healthcare’s environmental footprint. The aim is to get patients to the right service at the right time and eliminate the need for unnecessary travel and tests.

Initiatives such as digital triage and diagnostic clinics allow healthcare pathways to be more cohesive and efficient while keeping wider environmental impacts to a minimum. Using greener products and materials, alongside reusing clinical equipment when safe and appropriate, can help to reduce the waste associated with procedures.

Low Carbon Alternatives

Reusable PPE, surgical instruments and lower carbon prescribing options are all environmentally sustainable alternatives that can considerably reduce the sector’s carbon footprint. Another option is the installation of modular buildings.

Modular building hire is a more sustainable way of building and offers great locations for operating theatres, consultation rooms and clinics. These are pre-constructed units that are manufactured off-site and then moved to the final destination to be assembled.

They can be used to provide quick and efficient support for Emergency Department pressures, increase bed capacity when needed and act as discharge lounges and waiting areas. This is instead of constructing time-consuming and costly permanent buildings.

Additionally, hospital building should include trees and green lanscaping whenever possible which is both good for patient help and good for absorbing carbon.


Individuals and organisations of all shapes and sized need to consider how to reduce their carbon footprints if we are to avert climate change.

Embracing environmentally sustainable healthcare is particularly important in the health sector because if currently has such a huge footprint. Initiatives introduced need to consider sustainability at all levels from encouraging patients to eat a more wholesome and environmentally-friendly diet to the type of buildings they use.

Source: healthylifeessex.co.uk


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