What are your motivation levels like during winter? Do you find there’s a greater temptation than usual to stay inside, watching the latest series on TV and warming your hands around a hot drink? But did you know that you could thrive with gardening and nature activites this winter?

Many of us ‘hibernate’ a bit more during the winter months. It’s completely natural, especially when the weather outside is frightful! But at the same time, many of us find our mental wellbeing is negatively affected at this time of year. It’s thought as many as 2 million people in the UK suffer from seasonal affected disorder (SAD).

New Year resolutions are one way of encouraging ourselves to have a bit more get-up-and-go in winter. But, sometimes it’s hard to find the activity that fits and feels like it will be enjoyable as well as good for you.

Thrive, the garden health charity, has produced a calendar for garden and nature activitiesThis is why Thrive, the gardening for health charity, has created a 30-day winter wellbeing calendar. It is designed to help you enjoy the wellbeing benefits of gardens and nature this winter.

Gardening and nature activities for health

Gardening is one of the nation’s favourite hobbies. Around 27 million people in the UK take part in gardening in some form!

No matter what size garden you have, from a large lawn to an indoor windowsill, gardening activities can support your health and wellbeing. There are several key benefits:

  1. Physical health

Gardening activities help you move your body. Some activities are very vigorous, but others are more gentle, working on fine motor skills and increasing stamina.

  1. Mental wellbeing

Research shows that time with nature can reduce stress, boost mood, increase confidence and help us feel calm.

  1. A sense of community

Some people like to garden alone, but there are also plenty of ways to make it a shared activity. You can do tasks together, or you can share tips and things you grow or make with others.

The might also be community gardens you can get involved with such as Trust Links community gardens across Essex.

  1. Continued learning

Continuing to learn new things is an important part of maintaining mental wellbeing. There is always something new to see and discover in the garden!

Thrive winter wellbeing calendar

Thrive’s winter wellbeing calendar contains a wide variety of suggested activities based around gardens and nature. You can find activities that are practical or creative, passive or active, indoor based or outdoors. They have been designed to be achievable with little to no equipment.

This winter wellbeing calendar will help you thrive with gardening and nature activities

Yes, this lovely little calendar can really help you thrive with gardening and nature activites!

You don’t need to be an expert gardener to take part, or even have a garden!

If you wanted, you could start at the beginning of the month. But equally, you could join at any point and pick out the activities that seem most enjoyable and achievable for you. Fancy doing some cloud spotting? Then jump straight to day 6!

With time in nature being so good for wellbeing, by the end of 30 days you will hopefully feel the benefits.

If you would like more information about the individual activities, you can find plenty of advice on Thrive’s website.

Source: healthylifeessex.co.uk


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