The pandemic was a harsh reminder of how our health is our wealth. With the COVID-19 strain launching an ambush on our immunity, we realised how important it was to stay healthy more than ever. And many people began to wonder what is a balanced fitness regime.

As we were confined within the walls of our homes, our outdoor activities were limited, and eating out or ordering in were obsolete options. That became the cursor of our journey toward healthy diets, exercise regimes, and more.

Now, if you are late to join the bandwagon, you may wonder what a balanced fitness regimen looks like.

For many fitness instructors, the most commein question they get asked is:  ‘What is the best fitness routine?’

Let me get down to the basics first.

What is a Perfect Fitness Routine?

Before you create an exercise routine, you need to know that a workout schedule is based on an individual’s goals for fitness. While some people may want to reduce calories and shed body fat, others may want to focus on muscle-building. Therefore, a fitness routine needs to be curated considering the requirements of different people.

According to research, 150 minutes of exercise every week is necessary for adults (18-64 years). However, most people fail to set an effective fitness plan that is the perfect blend of exercises for the upper to lower body.

Keeping all of these prerequisites in mind, I have discussed a fitness routine that is easy to follow and fits everyone.

Monday: Cardio/Aerobic exercise

What to do:  You can start with some low-intensity workouts on the first day of the week.

Time Duration:

  • Run or cycle: 40 minutes
  • Jogging: 30 minutes
  • Forearm Plank with twists: Three sets of 15 reps

You can invest 40 minutes every day for cardio.

Health Benefits: Cardio exercise has several benefits like low blood sugar and diabetes. Apart from that, it will also help you deal with chronic diseases like cardiac and cerebral diseases.

Tuesday: Lower body

What to do: For the lower body exercise, you can do hip thrusts, and squats using handheld weights.

Time Duration:

  • Squats: Three sets of 10 reps
  • Hamstring curls: Three sets of 12 reps
  • Hip thrust: Three sets of 10 reps
  • Calf raises: Three sets of 15 reps

Minimum 20 minutes for each exercise. Make sure to take a rest of 2-3 minutes between each set.

Health Benefits: These kinds of exercise are known for strength building. Moreover, it improves leg stability and knee health.

Wednesday: Back and Bicep muscles

What to do: You can choose Wednesday to focus on your back and bicep muscles.

Time Duration:

  • High-side pulldowns: Three sets of 10 reps
  • Standing row bicep curl: Three sets of 12 reps
  • Pullover: Three sets of 10 reps
  • Bicep curl: Three sets of 12 reps

You can invest 30 minutes for each exercise, including 2-3 minutes of rest between each set.

Health Benefits: It is found that bicep and back exercises reduce arm fat and joint pain in the elbow section.

Thursday: Free hand exercise and other physical activities

What to do: After three higher-intensity workout days, you can include Yoga and meditation on the fourth day.

Time Duration:

Yoga and Meditation: 30 minute

Swimming: 30 minutes

Any outdoor sports: 30 minutes

Health benefits: Yoga releases endorphins and neurotransmitters, which control mood swings and help you stay calm. As a result, you can keep depression and anxiety at bay.

Friday: Cardio and Full Body

What to do: Jumping jacks, Mountain climbers, push-ups, and High knees can be beneficial for full-body cardio exercise.

Time Duration:

Jumping jacks: 3 minutes for  3 sets

High knees: 3 minutes for 3 sets

Mountains climbers: 2 sets of 10 reps

Push-ups: 3 sets of 10 reps

Health Benefits:

It helps to reduce extra calories and improve overall health conditions.

Saturday & Saturday: Rest day

Rest days are important to recover from a hectic schedule. Therefore, always give your body adequate time to rejuvenate. It will help you prepare for the next day.

Additional Considerations for a Healthy Lifestyle.

Here are a few steps that you can follow to utilise the rest day:

  • Sleep at least 6-7 hours at night
  • Eat a balanced diet with proteins, carbs, and healthy fat
  • Don’t forget to include low-intensity workouts like stretching.

Final Thought

Now you know what is a balanced fitness regime, it may sound like a foolproof plan. But you might fail to stay consistent with the routine. Hence, it is very important to stay self-motivated. Remember, a routine is just for guidance that can assist you to lead a better life. So, try to follow this fitness regimen regularly to see significant results.

Author Bio

Mia Ryan is an experienced writer working at MyAssignmentHelp, and provides assignment writing services. She has a keen interest in healthcare subjects and also guides students in their coursework.

Connect with Mia on LinkedIn!

Image by Susana Gonzalez from Pixabay

Source: healthylifeessex.co.uk


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