Mother’s Day is the official time of year to give mums a day off from doing the multitude of daily jobs they’re usually tasked with. And what better way to say thank you than to treat her to a wonderful garden visit with a delicious cup of tea and a slice of cake! It makes a change from the traditional flowers and chocolates and gives you all a chance to create a special memory.

And to make it extra special, why not explore our By Arrangement options and a book an exclusive visit for your mum that she can enjoy with family and friends.

There are over 170 gardens opening By Arrangement* over the Mother’s Day weekend of 9-10 March –
CLICK here to explore them all

There are also four fabulous gardens that have a set opening on 10 March.

Home Farm, Gloucestershire – click here for details

Robinson College, Cambridge – click here for details


Explore the delights of these two gorgeous gardens with their water and wildlife features alongside fabulous planting.

Bere Mill, Hampshire – click here for details

Wind in the Willows, Buckinghamshire – click here for details

*Not sure how By Arrangement visits work – click here for more information


The post Make Mother’s Day special with a gorgeous garden visit appeared first on National Garden Scheme.

Source: ngs.org.uk


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