Published: Wednesday, 24th April 2024 New red routes are set to be introduced in an effort to help ease congestion and keep Medway moving. The system will see specified routes brought in next month at strategic locations to increase traffic flow, improving travel times for residents, businesses and visitors. Under the scheme, which follows public consultation, the new routes will have double red lines on kerbs and signs around the road, prohibiting anyone from stopping, parking or loading illegally. The red lines will replace double yellow lines along five routes in Medway, in an effort to enforce restrictions already in place. Drivers will still be able to use designated parking places and loading bays, marked with clear signs, which were among the elements of the scheme consistently requested through consultation. It is also hoped the red routes will lead to more active and sustainable transport use – leading to less delays on bus services and making cycle paths more accessible. The first phase of the scheme will involve five routes: Corporation Street between The Esplanade continuing onto Star Hill Star Hill between Corporation Street and New Road/City Way Best Street between Union Street and Railway Street The Brook between The Brook Theatre, Whiffen’s Avenue and the junction of New Road (including Union Street) A2 Rainham High Street between Maidstone Road and High Dewar Road. As well as improving traffic flow, the scheme will make streets safer throughout Medway. Cllr Simon Curry, Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Strategic Regeneration, said: “The new red routes are great news for residents and everyone using Medway’s roads. “The scheme has been introduced to help keep traffic moving and to improve road safety for motorists and pedestrians. “Yellow lines are already in place in these locations, restricting vehicles from parking there and causing an obstruction, so this scheme will help reinforce existing restrictions. We’ve also listened carefully to feedback from public consultations, and as such we’re introducing clearly signposted loading and unloading bays, along with parking places. “All income generated will be reinvested back into Council services including the maintenance and improvement of roads and filling of potholes. “By tackling congestion, we can help people get where they want to be faster, while simultaneously making our roads safer. This can only improve quality of life for people living and working in Medway, and I look forward to seeing the impact of the new routes.” Find out more information on red routes. News archive

Published: Wednesday, 24th April 2024

New red routes are set to be introduced in an effort to help ease congestion and keep Medway moving.

The system will see specified routes brought in next month at strategic locations to increase traffic flow, improving travel times for residents, businesses and visitors.

Under the scheme, which follows public consultation, the new routes will have double red lines on kerbs and signs around the road, prohibiting anyone from stopping, parking or loading illegally.

The red lines will replace double yellow lines along five routes in Medway, in an effort to enforce restrictions already in place.

Drivers will still be able to use designated parking places and loading bays, marked with clear signs, which were among the elements of the scheme consistently requested through consultation.

It is also hoped the red routes will lead to more active and sustainable transport use – leading to less delays on bus services and making cycle paths more accessible.

The first phase of the scheme will involve five routes:

  1. Corporation Street between The Esplanade continuing onto Star Hill
  2. Star Hill between Corporation Street and New Road/City Way
  3. Best Street between Union Street and Railway Street
  4. The Brook between The Brook Theatre, Whiffen’s Avenue and the junction of New Road (including Union Street)
  5. A2 Rainham High Street between Maidstone Road and High Dewar Road.

As well as improving traffic flow, the scheme will make streets safer throughout Medway.

Cllr Simon Curry, Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Strategic Regeneration, said: “The new red routes are great news for residents and everyone using Medway’s roads.

“The scheme has been introduced to help keep traffic moving and to improve road safety for motorists and pedestrians.

“Yellow lines are already in place in these locations, restricting vehicles from parking there and causing an obstruction, so this scheme will help reinforce existing restrictions. We’ve also listened carefully to feedback from public consultations, and as such we’re introducing clearly signposted loading and unloading bays, along with parking places.

“All income generated will be reinvested back into Council services including the maintenance and improvement of roads and filling of potholes.

“By tackling congestion, we can help people get where they want to be faster, while simultaneously making our roads safer. This can only improve quality of life for people living and working in Medway, and I look forward to seeing the impact of the new routes.”

Find out more information on red routes.

News archive

xoxo https://www.medway.gov.uk/news/article/1669/new_red_routes_scheme_to_be_launched_next_month



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