There are several current issues about the environment that we feel we should bring to your attention:

  • BIODIVERSITY NET GAIN – a developer’s response to the requirements of biodiversity net gain (at least a10% increase on the site’s current biodiversity levels) is now part of most of the planning applications we are being asked to consider as local councils. Good practice in this matter will take time to appear, but please see the introductory note based on current government guidance.
  • NO MOW MAY – as part of our duty as local councils to consider biodiversity in all that we do, there is a strong suggestion that we avoid mowing our green spaces in May when the wildflowers that support pollinating insects are beginning to appear. This is particularly relevant this year as, due to Spring arriving earlier than usual, some wildflowers are already in bloom in April.
  • COMMUNITY ENERGY – some of us are working with our local community on a variety of renewable energy projects, from solar panels and wind farms to electric vehicle charging points. The government has opened a consultation around any identified barriers to these projects. If you would like to share your views on any such barriers, please would you copy them to Andrew Maliphant, SLCC Environmental & Sustainability Advisor at [email protected] so we can also make a collective response.
  • NET ZERO SUMMIT – Andrew is one of the speakers at our forthcoming summit on 22 May, which will look at the practicalities of achieving net zero in our carbon emissions. Please click here to find out more about the event and to book a place.
  • THE GREAT COLLABORATION – at the summit you will hear more about the Great Collaboration, a network approach to gathering and sharing good practice across the wide range of climate action. You can get in touch with the project via [email protected] if you would like to be part of the networking and sharing, but meanwhile there are free weekly online sessions on climate topics that you can book into.

SLCC will be continuing to work on environmental matters, and our regular course on climate action for smaller councils will be running again on 1 August 2024.

Source: slcc.co.uk


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