The Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC) will be launching a selection exercise in January 2024. This exercise will aim to recruit Medical Members for the Health Education and Social Care chamber (HESC).

The seminar

If you are interested in applying for appointment as a Medical Member, please attend our online seminar via Microsoft Teams on Thursday 4 January 2024 at 5pm to 6pm.

The seminar aims to help applicants be better prepared to make an application and to receive up-to-date guidance and advice on the JAC’s selection process. You will hear from Chief Medical Member, Dr Joan Rutherford and a representative from the JAC.

This seminar has been organised to support greater understanding of judicial roles and achieve greater diversity in the pool of applicants for judicial roles in support of the commitments in the Judicial Diversity and Inclusion Strategy.

Who should attend?

To be eligible for appointment you must be a registered medical practitioner and have held a full-time or part-time appointment as a consultant psychiatrist for at least three years, one of which should normally be within the last five years;


Have membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists at any of the following levels:

  • Member
  • Fellow
  • Specialist associate

Please note that speciality doctors and specialist grade doctors (SAS) or Associate specialist doctors are not eligible to apply.
A licence to practise is not a requirement.

Please register your interest on the Judicial Careers website.

Help spread the word

Please help us and let your friends, colleagues and followers know about this application seminar.

If you have any queries regarding the seminar or would like to ask a question to the panel, then please email JudicialHRDiversityEvents@judiciary.uk

The post Medical Members for the Health Education and Social Care Chamber (Mental Health) application seminar appeared first on Courts and Tribunals Judiciary.

Source: judiciary.uk


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