With the goal of including more information on climate action best practices for town and parish councils and their communities, the Place- Based Initiative Ltd&nbsp has set up weekly zoom sessions to assist them in updating and enhancing the website, Great Collaboration.

The purpose of the weekly meetings is to:

  • Give brief expert presentations on topics related to climate action.
  • assemble data and recommendations for additions to the expanding collection of best practices for climate action.
  • Encourage people to participate more actively in the project’s development and provide any knowledgeable guidance on important issues.

They want to invite you to join three working groups that they have established:

  • Editorial: Conducting research, compiling data, and putting together national best practices
  • Making technical advancements to the Great Collaboration ( including digital mapping ) to make it easier to find guidance is known as website development.
  • Communications entails supporting a network of county-based advisors and disseminating best practices via newsletter and social media as they develop.

If you would like to participate in the project, please get in touch with them at [email&nbsp, protected ] & nbpsp.

To register for their zoom sessions, click here. &nbsp,

Source: slcc.co.uk


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