Have your say now! The deadline for comments is midnight on Thursday 11th January 2024. Comment on Sevenoaks District Council’s draft Local Plan, which includes proposals to meet the District’s future housing and development needs, some of it on local Green Belt sites. www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/plan2040

Sevenoaks District Council is working on ‘Plan 2040’, a new Local Plan, which sets out what can be built and where over the next 15 years.

Plan 2040 will help to deliver much needed new homes, including affordable homes, while promoting residents’ health and wellbeing and protecting the environment, including the overwhelming majority of the Green Belt.

While Plan 2040 proposes to make the best use of land within existing built up areas, the Council faces a big challenge as the Government has told the Council the District needs 10,680 new homes from 2025 to 2040.

As the Sevenoaks District is 93% Green Belt, the third highest proportion in England, the Council has to consider a limited number of Green Belt sites to meet the District’s future housing and development needs.

The sites under consideration are in the most suitable locations, close to existing settlements, transport and services. Some are on poorly performing Green Belt, such as land that may already have been built on.

Local people can comment on Plan 2040 from Thursday 23 November 2023 until midnight on Thursday 11 January 2024 at www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/plan2040. The site includes information, Plan 2040 Summary leaflet and consultation video.  You can also view Plan 2040 at local libraries, town or parish council offices and Sevenoaks District Council’s offices.

Source: hever.org


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