Attendance by pre-registration only

Wednesday 5 June 2024, 2.00-5.00 pm
Rickards Hall/Doggetts Courtyard, 72a High Street, Edenbridge TN8 5AR

(Arrival from 2.00 pm; buffet afternoon tea from 2.30 pm)

The Council will be hosting an Afternoon Tea for older and/or vulnerable members of our community who would like to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings.

It will be a lovely opportunity to socialise, share memories and perhaps even make new friends. There will also be 1940s/50s Swing music by Steve Conway.

If you, or someone you know, would like to attend this event, please contact us to register a place (entrance is by prior registration only) by Thursday 30 May. Carers/family member welcome to accompany guest – please let us know when registering. Email: information@edenbridgetowncouncil.gov.uk; call us on 01732 865368 or pop into the Council office Monday to Thursday 9.00 am to 3.30 pm.

This event is being made possible thanks to the generosity of grants from West Kent Housing and Councillor Alan Layland (Sevenoaks District Council Chairman and Edenbridge Town Councillor).

Reminder: There will an open event for the whole community on Thursday 6 June at Stangrove Park: D-Day 80th anniversary commemoration – 6 June – Edenbridge Town Council

Armed Forces Day Afternoon Tea
Sevenoaks District Council will also be hosting a free event in Edenbridge this June. Places are limited and must be booked in advance:

1940s themed afternoon tea to celebrate Armed Forces Day – Wednesday 12 June, 12 noon to 2 pm, Rickards Hall

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Source: edenbridgetowncouncil.gov.uk


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