Accessibility is a choice

I spend a lot of time in conversations that start something like this: “I’m really sorry I can’t fill in that report, it’s not accessible to me. Can you send it in another format?” I then often have to explain why it’s not accessible. And then, how to make it accessible. This takes up a...

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Putting people and partnership at the centre of clinical research

I was delighted to be invited to represent NHS DigiTrials at the Westminster Health Forum policy conference. The event was chaired by The Rt Hon Baroness Neville-Jones DCMG, setting the stage for discussions on priorities for diversity, trust, transparency and public involvement in...

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We had to follow the data, not our users

A big part of early work on projects typically involves helping our colleagues to focus a bit less on the characteristics of their products and the requirements of their...



New choices for GP IT

The demand for primary care is increasing, with GP practices currently delivering more than 27...

A new way to find patients

As COVID-19 emerged and treatment options were limited, pharmaceutical companies began researching...