Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a prominent topic of discussion, capturing public attention with its potential future capabilities. However, these technologies already have a significant impact on our lives in the present, from facial recognition technology on our phones to algorithms that analyze medical images. Since we, as members of the public, are directly affected by these technologies, it is crucial that we become key stakeholders in shaping the narrative around AI.

Understanding public perspectives on AI is essential. The Ada Lovelace Institute conducted a review of 29 studies on public attitudes towards AI, revealing that people recognize the benefits of AI in improving efficiency and supporting the public good. However, they also express concerns about AI replacing human judgment and decision-making. Attitudes towards AI are nuanced, with positive sentiments regarding its potential in healthcare but apprehension about its use in care settings. Moreover, there is a strong desire for independent regulation with robust enforcement powers to hold companies accountable.

However, there is a significant gap in evidence when it comes to understanding the opinions of young people on AI. The Ada Lovelace Institute’s joint survey with the Alan Turing Institute indicates that younger individuals have different views than older generations regarding who should be responsible for ensuring the safe use of AI. This gap in knowledge is problematic. Young people have grown up with AI playing a significant role in their social connections from an early age, giving them unique perspectives on its societal impacts. Their expectations of private companies may differ from those of older generations due to their distinct interactions with technology. To bridge this gap, further research is necessary.

Furthermore, young people will be the ones living with the consequences of the decisions and design choices being made today. Regulations are already being developed, such as the EU AI Act and UK Online Safety Act, which will shape how young people interact with AI-enabled technologies for years to come. Therefore, it is imperative that young people have a say in the development, use, and regulation of these technologies.

Encouraging public engagement in AI decision-making can occur at various levels. Deliberative processes, such as citizens’ juries and assemblies, bring together representative members of the public to learn about specific issues, hear from experts, and deliberate to generate recommendations for decision-makers. These empowering methods of engaging the public yield rich and actionable insights. Existing models, such as those implemented in Newham and Ireland, serve as inspiration for meaningful participation.

At this critical juncture in AI development and policy, the voices of young people must not be overlooked. As emphasized in our evidence review, it is crucial to include the public, especially underrepresented groups, in decision-making processes. Considering the significance of AI in our future, it may be time to establish a UK-wide youth assembly on AI, ensuring that the perspectives and concerns of young people are heard and taken into account.


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