Thanet District Council has submitted a written representation to the National Grid Electricity Transmission plc (NGET) public consultation regarding their Sea Link proposal.  Sea Link is a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) to upgrade the UK’s electricity supply, and includes the installation of a new cable link between Suffolk and Kent.   While the council is a statutory consultee in this process, it does not decide whether the scheme is approved or refused. NSIPs are projects of certain types, over a certain size, which are considered by the government to be so big and nationally important that permission to build them needs to be given at a national level, by the responsible government minister. The final decision will be made by the relevant Secretary of State. If approved, a new underground high voltage cable will be installed from Pegwell Bay to a new converter station near Minster, with 2.25 km of new overhead line connecting the station with the existing overhead electricity line.  Cllr Rick Everitt, Leader of Thanet District Council, said: “We are aware of the considerable concern over the impacts of National Grid’s Sea Link project amongst our communities, and the council shares this concern. We want to reassure residents that their views have been heard and understood, and have been fundamental to our consultation submission.  “We recognise the need to adapt the electricity transmission network in order to respond to rising demand and the move to sustainable generation methods in new locations. We have major concerns regarding the proposed location on Minster Marshes however; the scale of the converter building and the effects of the associated infrastructure; the significant impact on protected wildlife and species habitat both during construction and afterwards; and the potential change to the character of the landscape. “There are a significant number of outstanding surveys and reports with unknown outcomes, spanning a number of topics. We have asked to be kept informed and given the opportunity for further engagement before the final options are selected, including the scale, orientation and finish of the converter and substation, pylon design, access routes, mitigation methods, management plans and security measures.  “It is difficult for us to assess and understand the exact impacts of the Sea Link project given the limited details that we have at this point.” Further work will be needed if the application is submitted for examination by NGET to the Planning Inspectorate, including the production of a Local Impact Report. A panel of inspectors, appointed by the Planning Inspectorate, will consider the application and make a recommendation to the Secretary of State. Further information on the process for an NSIP is available on the Planning Inspectorate’s website. The council’s full consultation response is available here. The consultation closed on Monday 18 December. 

The National Grid Electricity Transmission plc ( NGET ) public consultation regarding the Thanet District Council’s Sea Link proposal has received a written representation from the district council. &nbsp,

The installation of a new cable link between Suffolk and Kent is part of the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project ( NSIP ) called Sea Link, which aims to improve the UK’s electricity supply. In addition, &nbsp,

The council does not decide whether the scheme is approved or rejected, despite the fact that it is a statutory consultee in this process. NSIPs are projects of a particular kind that are larger than an established size and are regarded by the government as being so significant and national in scope that permission to construct them must be granted at the national level by an accountable government minister. The appropriate Secretary of State will make the final decision.

If approved, a new underground high voltage cable will be installed near Minster from Pegwell Bay, connecting the station to the existing overhead electricity line for 2.25 km. &nbsp,

We are aware of the significant concern among our communities regarding the effects of National Grid’s Sea Link project, and the council shares this concern, said Cllr Rick Everitt, the leader of Thanet District Council. We want to reassure the locals that their opinions have been heard, understood, and are essential to our submission of consultations. &nbsp,

We understand that the electricity transmission network needs to be modified in order to meet growing demand and the transition to more environmentally friendly energy sources in new places. The proposed location on Minster Marshes, however, raises serious questions about the size of the converter building and its effects, the significant impact it will have on the habitat of protected wildlife and species both during and after construction, and the potential alteration in the landscape’s character.

” A sizable number of outstanding surveys and reports covering a wide range of topics have unknown results. Before the final options are chosen, such as the scale, orientation, and finish of the converter and substation, pylon design, access routes, mitigation methods, management plans and security measures, we have asked to be kept informed and given the chance for further engagement. &nbsp,

Given the scant information available at this time, it is challenging for us to evaluate and comprehend the precise effects of the Sea Link project.

If the application is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for review by NGET, additional work will be required, such as the creation of a Local Impact Report. A panel of inspectors chosen by the Planning Inspectorate will review the application and provide the Secretary of State with a recommendation. The Planning Inspectorate’s <a href="https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Advice-note-8.0.pdf?fbclid=IwAR05rZWMmt26AN-2yblkzu05aXGHeuzGlnviU4jv-G3Jl9Ltis51ewuMcy8″>website has more details on the procedure for anNSIP.

The complete consultation response from the council is available here. The consultation came to an end on Monday, December 18. &nbsp,

Council submits formal response to National Grid’s Sea Link consultation


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