Thursday 24th August brought the much-anticipated GCSE and Level 2 results for 2022-23. Throughout the day we caught up with several students to hear about their successes, achievements from the year and what they plan to do next.

Lia  Level 2 Art and Design

Lia has finished the year with a Merit in Art and Design, and 4’s in both GCSE English and GCSE Maths. She is looking forward to progressing onto the Level 3 course in September and hopes to continue to work towards studying Fashion at university. She said:  

“This year has been great; all the staff and students are so nice and welcoming. I enjoy college because I just get to do what I love every day!” 

Millie  Level 2 Accounting and GCSE Chemistry 

Millie is overjoyed to have successfully completed her Level 2 Accounting course; she will be continuing onto the Level 3 at EKC Canterbury College next month. The icing on the cake is that she has also achieved a 5 in GCSE Chemistry – the highest grade she could get!

Andris  Discrete Maths 

Andris received a 5 in GCSE Maths. Now that he has secured the qualification, he is excited to see the opportunities that arise in his future career. 

Hannah  GCSE Chemistry 

Hannah achieved a 5, saying: “I’m so glad to have received the result I wanted. I’m going to take some time out of education, but I hope to progress onto university to study Midwifery or Healthcare in the future. The support of my tutor and EKC Broadstairs College will have helped get me where I need to be, thank you.” 

Antonia  Discrete English 

Broadstairs College staff member, Antonia celebrated a 5 in GCSE English, she is thrilled to have achieved another qualification! When we asked what advice she would give young people just beginning their further education, she replied:  

“I’d just like to say enjoy it!! Enjoy learning because having knowledge is such a wonderful thing.” 

We are extremely proud of all our students this year and wish those leaving us the very best of luck in their futures.  

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Source: broadstairscollege.ac.uk


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