I was very excited on 11th April as it was finally my next visit to Wingham Wildlife Park for the next part of my blog!

It was a great day out during my Easter holidays and another perfect opportunity to get some more beautiful pictures of the animals. During my visit I saw many different animals such as meerkats, red pandas, all different types of bird and much more.

We were really excited about this visit though as there was something new to us that we could try!

The Tropical House

In the Tropical House you can now feed the lorikeets – beautiful rainbow-coloured birds. The lorikeet feeding was good. Unlike most of the other feedings that you have to pre-book or buy the food upon entry. This was a bonus as we weren’t too sure how my little brother and sister would react!

A rainbow lorikeet sat on a mobile phone.

You buy the food in the Tropical House, to the left as you walk in (or follow the noise!) is the hut. It was a great experience especially as you could buy the food for just £2. The lorikeet feeding is 10am-12pm and 1-3pm.

I got a bit worried as I don’t usually like animals flapping near me. My Nanna and brother got stuck right in though! They had birds sitting on their hands, arms, heads, and when one landed on my brother’s shoulder, he thought he was a pirate! It’s a fantastic way to get up close with the birds…. They might even pose for a selfie with you! I managed to stand back and get some beautiful up-close pictures of these amazingly colourful birds!

Giraffe experience

For Christmas we bought my brother a Giraffe Feeding experience which it was finally time to do too! My brother is Autistic, and he adores animals. Sometimes he finds it hard to speak around people, but with animals he is always so relaxed! His experience with keeper Toby was awesome! It was only the keeper Toby, my brother Teddy and my mum up close and hand feeding the Giraffes. I loved watching them through the windows in the Giraffe House. It was amazing seeing how gentle these huge creatures were!

Once Teddy had put on his High Vis Jacket, Toby took them through the door and called over the Giraffe’s shaking their food! Very quickly Rudy the biggest of the giraffes was making his way over for his afternoon treats. During the feeding, the giraffes took the food straight out if Teddy’s hand, the only thing between him was a metal fence.

Teddy feeding a carrot stick to Ruedi.

Teddy kept saying about how he could feel the giraffes breathing on him- which shows how close you can get to them! During the feeding time Toby told Teddy so many facts about the giraffes in the zoo and giraffes in the wild. We will share a few, but we don’t want to give it all away so if you want to know more, you’ll need to book an experience yourself!

  • Giraffes only have two toes on each foot.
  • They have 32 teeth that are all flat.
  • They are able to rip the bark of the trees – which is why their tongue are so rough.

Toby also offered to get some pictures for Mum and Teddy of them both with the giraffes, what an amazing reminder of what they got to do! The experience was magical and it’s such a rare chance to get up close with these beautiful creatures. Teddy talks about it every day and he has shown everyone his pictures he got with the giraffes.

Teddy feeding a giraffe a carrot stick.

Wingham recently got two new giraffes so there is now 4 in total. The youngest one isn’t quite tall enough to join in with the feeding yet! But Toby said not to worry as they give him lots of treats too so he doesn’t feel left out!

The Ring-tailed lemur enclosure

We also caught a glimpse of the new lemur enclosure today! It looks fantastic and we can’t wait until we visit next as hopefully it will then be open and we can give it a go!

Thanks Wingham for another amazing day!

Source: winghamwildlifepark.co.uk


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