Volunteers thank you event, Medway Health Walks

January 3, 2024

Why join the Walk Leaders?

Being a volunteer walk leader within Medway has many advantages.

Here are a few of them:

    By creating a secure and encouraging environment for people to enjoy walking and socializing with others, you will be assisting others in staying active and healthy.

  1. Making new friends and meeting new people: Volunteering in the community can be a fantastic way to do so. You will belong to a group of like-minded people who share your love of walking and helping others.
  2. Walking is a fantastic way to stay healthy and active. You will lead by example for others and maintain your own activity as a walk leader.
  3. Personal growth: Volunteering can aid in the development of new abilities and the acquisition of priceless experience. You will gain knowledge of how to manage events, lead groups, and communicate effectively.
  4. Sense of accomplishment: You can feel accomplished and motivated by volunteering as a walk leader. You’ll be enhancing your neighborhood and assisting others in achieving their objectives.

The abilities you will need:

Our volunteer walk leaders ‘ primary competencies are enthusiasm, self-assurance when speaking in front of small groups, friendliness, and good communication skills.

The duties and responsibilities of a walk leader include:

  • ensuring that everyone is secure while walking and that the right walk leaders are in the front, middle, or back of the group.
  • Before leading a walk, you should check the route and become familiar with it.
  • Greeting new walkers to the walks, especially new ones.
  • delivering a brief speech prior to the walk to ensure that everyone is ready.
  • Make sure all registration forms and register procedures are finished.
  • managing and leading a walk.
  • Following the best practice guidelines and the requirements of your local scheme will ensure that the walks are welcoming, friendly, enjoyable, and safe.
  • attending sporadic meetings for walk leaders, refresher courses, and thank-you activities.

Call us at 01634 333 720 or email walking@medway .gov to learn how to lead walks and to apply for our customized training programs. uk

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Source: explorekent.org


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