This week my blog is all about the amazing volunteers that we have working at the park. Each volunteer is a part of the keeping team here and it is important to us keepers to make them feel like they are as well. So, I’d just like to say a massive thank you to all the current/previous volunteers who I have met over the years who have given up their time to help us out at the park, it really does mean a lot!

I started my time at Wingham as a volunteer. So, I understand what it’s like and the dedication it takes to offer time for free. Over my time here at Wingham I have met a lot of different people with different backgrounds and reasons as to why they come in and volunteer.

Who can volunteer

We’re always on the lookout for people (18 or above) who want to donate their time to us. The keepers do a great job at the park. However, it is always of great use to us if we have volunteers helping out. Our volunteers do jobs such as aiding with mucking out, preparing food, help with gardening, keeping the park tidy and supervising our walk through enclosures etc.

This is a great opportunity for anyone who is passionate about animals and wants to help. Or for people going into new professions or university looking to gain experience. If you think volunteering is something that you’d be interested in, then please don’t hesitate in contacting us.

Animal care qualifications count for a lot but there are few zoos who will take on keepers with no experience. I’ve always said it’s not always about a qualification on a piece of paper but hands on experience that will help you get a job.

Anyways, enough of me talking. I posed some questions to current volunteers we have at the park and here are their answers.

  1. How long have you been volunteering for and on which section?
  2. Favorite animal you get to work with and why?
  3. Why have you decided to start volunteering at Wingham?


  1. I have been volunteering for a year with the bird section.
  2. My favorite animals to work with are the parrots. They are all so cheeky and super cute and I love all their different personalities.
  3. I started volunteering at Wingham to get more experience to help me with my future dreams and who doesn’t want to spend even more time with the birds?


  1. I started at Wingham in March 2023, so I’ve been volunteering for about 20 months now. I’m on the Mammal section, and occasionally help out the Birds section.
  2. My favorite animals are the tapirs. They were the first animal I went in with, once you’ve been soaked in tapir pee, you’ll never forget them! Also, Nando behaves like a big soppy dog. However, I love the giraffes as well, as they are just amazing creatures.
  3. Wingham was one of our favorite places to visit and we had annual passes for a couple of years. My wife and I talked about volunteering here when we retired. After my wife passed away in November 2021 my daughter suggested that I should still volunteer. I’m very pleased that I did it and I get a lot of satisfaction out of my days here, even in the winter!


  1. I started with the Mammals team here at Wingham in October 2023 and have been here just over a month.
  2. My favorite animals that I have spent any time with are the Coatis. I went in with them on my first day and couldn’t help but fall for their personalities and energy as they came running up for their evening snack.
  3. I am currently doing a qualification in zookeeping and zoology and wanted to get some hands on experience. I have spent at least one day a week here pretty much for the last year. So, I decided I may as well be useful while I am here. I work nights full time and the team have been very accommodating with me doing half days when I have worked and full days when I can.


  1. I have been volunteering at Wingham Wildlife Park for 1 and half years now on the bird section.
  2. My favorite animals are Penguins, although I really love the Artic Wolves too. My love of penguins stemmed from my love of the Polar north and South and the animals that exist there. It’s the peace and quiet these animals show that I love about them. I usually holiday in the artic regions and see many animals there in action in the wild.
  3. A friend of mine referred me to start volunteering at WWP. I decided to volunteer there because not only do I have a big passion for animals but also my workplace can get a bit lonely. I have learnt so much about the keepers and animals since, so helping them out is the way forward. At my workplace I’m largely working on my own, but at Wingham it’s very much about working with a lovely team of keepers and helping the animals at the same time where my passion exists. The team do a fantastic job I have loved every moment volunteering there and I do see WWP as my long term future.


  1. I have been a volunteer for 8 weeks now on both the Carnivore and the Mammal section.
  2. Very tough question because I have worked with a lot of animals in my short time here at Wingham. There are too many to choose from and it’s very close at the top, so I’m going to pick two. Maybe it’s recency bias but the Red Pandas are great to work with. Personally, it’s because of their calm nature while also being curious and they’re just great to be around and to observe on a day to day basis. I have always been a huge fan of big carnivores and so working with Jaguars has been amazing and a joy. Mainly because of the sheer power they exert whenever I am around them. I also just find them very majestic, and it feels like they’re always watching you.
  3. Wingham Wildlife Park is one of the best wildlife parks in the UK with a variety of animal species. Along with being the fastest growing animal establishment in Kent. I just wanted to be a part of it and the journey, it is also a great opportunity.


  1. I started volunteering on the mammal about a year ago.
  2. I don’t have a favorite animal as I like all the animals I work with; they all have their own ways and needs which makes them all special to me.
  3. I would visit Wingham a lot and love coming here so when I retired, I didn’t want to laze around all the time. So, I thought, why not help out at a place where you love to be. It has been great, made loads of new friends and have learnt so much from the keepers who are fantastic.

If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer you can fill out a quick form on our website here.

Source: winghamwildlifepark.co.uk


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